out and about

I’ve Got Hands


I stopped in to see James on my lunch break. He was enjoying looking at his hands and swinging his arms around. The joys of being three and a half months old!

at home

Father’s Day #1

James surprised me with a cute gift for Father’s Day … a framed photo of him and an imprint of his ever-growing foot. Very thoughtful little guy. He surprised me even more by having his best sleep yet the following night, which was a great way to end my first Father’s Day. Thanks, James!

out and about

Picnic in the Park

James and Michele joined Lola Elma at the park for a picnic. Looks like some people were more excited than others to have their picture taken.


out and about

An Outdoor Afternoon

Matt and Meg had us over for a great lunch in their beautiful back yard. The dogs had fun, and James really seemed to enjoy the outdoors. If only we had a bit of shade at home, he could spend a bit more time outside (sorry about the pale skin buddy).

a moment with James

A Happy Sunday Morning Moment with James

Happy Sunday morning, James. You’re a cutie.
a moment with James

A Three Month Birthday Post-Bath Moment with James

When we first started giving James a bath, he was not too amused by the whole experience, especially coming out of the warm water. Fortunately, he’s enjoying having a bath much more now, and is pretty agreeable to coming out of the tub. We shot this on the evening of his three month birthday.
at home

Sunday Morning At Home

James and I were up early, had a nice walk with Frank, and then just hung out and snapped some photos. He was a happy and willing model – I had better take advantage of this while I can!

at home

James at Three Months

On the evening of his three-month birthday, James was hamming it up with the towel after his bath. I think this guy is going to be a joker.

at home

Our Little Blue Whale

Michele got a nice photo of James this morning wearing his little blue whale outfit.


at home

First Week of June

Once again, I’m falling behind in getting photos updated – here are a few that have fallen through the cracks from the first week of June.