at home

Bed Head

James has unusual hair – what he has is thick and (too) long. But he’s also got plenty of patches of fairly thin hair too. Needless to say it leads to some interesting bed head.

a moment with James at home

A Little No Shirt Time

James was enjoying a bit of no shirt time last Sunday morning. With weather this warm, why bother with clothes?

a moment with James

A Tray Smacking Moment with James

Even though he’s not eating yet, we’re trying to get James familiarized with his high chair. Last night, he seemed to be enjoying it, and was happily smacking away with his left hand.
at home

On a Roll

The latest thing that James has begun doing is rolling over. We haven’t witnessed the act yet, just the end result … James (crying), laying on his tummy. With any luck, he will figure out how to get back on his back or start enjoying tummy time. Here’s a shot of him happily on his back.


at home

James in Plaid

James, looking good in plaid. Thanks, Laurel!


a moment with James

A Rocking Moment with James

Once in a while, James takes a short nap in his rocking chair. He won’t fit in it for much longer, but it was cute to see him in there a few days ago, when I took this video.
at home

Sitting Around on a Wednesday Evening

James continues to get stronger, so we’re having fun trying him out in different seats. Tonight was our first attempt at the high chair. It’ll still be a while until he eats there, but eventually, I’m sure he’ll make quite a few messes there. Unrelated to his sitting prowess, we’ve noticed that his head shape has changed quite a bit … he’s embracing the squareness of my head, without losing his pointy chin from Michele. He’s definitely our little boy. Just for good measure, I’m also including yet another shot from his favorite sheep chair.

at home

Floor Time

Michele and James were enjoying a funny moment on the floor.

at home

Mirror, Mirror

We got James a small mirror so he can check himself out while he’s on the floor, or in his crib. He was a little too tired when I took this photo to be interested, but I’m sure that he’ll fall in love with his reflection before long.

at home

Deep in Thought