Michele and I spent some of our last day in Santa Cruz in the water … surfing “the Hook” at Pleasure Point. We were pretty good for a couple of nearly 40-year-old beginners. You’ll have to take my word for it as there is no photo evidence. The waves were big, the rain was intense at times, the water was cold, and the wildlife (sea lions, dolphins, pelicans) were plentiful and proximal. We tried to show James where we surfed, but he didn’t believe us – his parents could never be that cool! Later on, back at the house, he tried to show us his version of surfing.
It’s pretty unlikely that James will remember this trip as he gets older. Hopefully these photos will trigger memories from deep within his toddler brain. It’s hard to speak for him to know for sure what he liked the best, but here are some guesses:
- pushing elevator buttons
- having a TV in the same room as his bed
- yelling “Trolley” whenever he saw a cable car
- yelling “Red Light” and “Green Light” when we were driving
- barking like sea lions
- looking up at the big bridge (Golden Gate) and big trees (redwoods)
- going down the big slide outside of the Children’s Creativity Museum
- climbing monkey bars quickly enough to make his parents nervous
- eating dumplings
- eating raisons
- sticking stickers on the airplane window
- standing outside of the James Flood Building (okay, we liked that a lot more than he did, but someday he’ll think it was pretty cool)
- riding in his stroller
- hugging trees, parking meters (what?) and fire hydrants
- playing in the “big waves” on the beach
- running around Stanford University like he owned the place
- eating purple ice cream (it’s a Filipino thing)
- spending time with his Lala