out and about

Boys Outing

It was a perfect evening tonight, so I took James and Luke out for a walk. James was a big help … and I noticed that Luke is getting shockingly cute. Nice walk. 


at school firsts

Accident Report #1

James came home from his new school yesterday with this:

FullSizeRender 7By the time I picked him up in the afternoon, the bandaid was gone, the scratch was nearly invisible, and James was back to 100%. It’s a miracle.


at home firsts

Fresh Berries

For the first time, we’re growing strawberries in our garden this year. Rabbits and robins seemed to enjoy the first fruit, but now that I have a crude fence in place, we humans are getting some berries too. Look good, taste great. Just wish I would have planted more!


at school firsts

Summer Camp at Highland

James is spending the week at Highland Community School, his future kindergarten, taking part in a music focused summer camp. The early highlight? His new robot lunch box.




Are newborns supposed to poop this much? Luke is a poop machine. Day and night. I don’t remember the last time I changed a diaper that wasn’t poopy. Healthy poops I suppose, but far more abundant than my sleep-deprived mind of 2012 can recall.

firsts out and about

Family Outing

We had a nice family outing to a nearby park for some free outdoor music and some food truck supper. Fun time. Sad that we’ve had this opportunity every summer Tuesday for 8 years, but this was the first time we’ve ever gone. Must be Luke’s influence.



Two Weeks with Luke

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Two weeks. Already. It’s hard to know what to say. We’ve loved having Baby Luke in our lives. We’ve loved seeing how Big Brother James talks to, holds, kisses and helps out with Luke. We’ve loved to see how our extended family and friends have been there to help out and support us. And let’s be honest – we’ve also loved the fact that we’ve gotten some sleep in the first two weeks. We’ll love you forever James, but you weren’t exactly good at helping us get any sleep in your early days (years?).DSC04199 (1) DSC04191 (1)




Roar. Yawn. It’s pretty much the same thing when you’re 2 weeks old. 

at home

Money Goes In

 James really enjoys putting money in his piggy banks. So far he hasn’t figured out how to take it back out. That’s probably a good thing. 

at home

Coming to Get You