Luke’s belly button took on a whole new look this afternoon. The last ruminants of his umbilical cord fell off around 4pm today. Welcome to the bebo club little fella. I have a strict rule against taking photos during a diaper change, so I’ve provided a swing photo instead.
Month: July 2015
Highland Preview
James and I spent a bit of time at his future school today, enjoying some ice cream and playground time on a hot and sweaty 88° day. We haven’t actually told James that he’s about to switch schools, but I think today gave him a good experience all in all. The only real negative is that the place is a bit old and the toilets are especially loud when they flush – when they auto-flushed while James was midstream … well, let’s just say his aim was a bit off. Next time he went hands free so he could cover both ears. That’s my boy.
Long Term Commitment
As relatively new parents, Michele and I are really just beginning to understand how long and deep the parenting commitment is. Over the past two weeks, we’ve seen some pretty clear examples of how our own parents have fulfilled that commitment. Here’s an abbreviated list of a few of the more memorable ones:
- driving half way across the continent to be here with us
- dropping everything to come and be with James after Michele went into early labor
- spending nights and mornings with James
- daycare drop offs
- loading and unloading the dishwasher a million times
- painting a staircase
- adobo delivery
- neverending laundry service
- countless hours of baby rocking, swaying, bouncing, burping and sharing
- television extraction
- flowerbed creation
- listening, strategizing, coaxing, cheering, supporting
- giving baths
- reading storybooks
- dog walking
- the list could go on and on
We tend to think of our own effort in terms of 24 hour cycles, repeating over and over. It’s challenging, to say the least, to try to fast-forward 20 or 30 or 40 years to imagine how we might be supporting our boys in the future. For right now, they’ve been fed, they’re relatively clean, and (hopefully) sleeping … that’s enough for now. The future will come soon enough.
Thanks Lala, Mamie and Poppa! I’m not sure how we could have had such a successful start without you!
Swinging Hands
Sleeping Baby
It’s all relative, but it feels like I haven’t taken many photos of Luke. I think that at least one reason why is that the kid sleeps a lot. It’s cute to look at a sleeping baby, but borderline creepy to take photos of one.
That said, the arms up pose is one of his favorites.
p.s. James set a new record by getting fewer than 6 hours of total sleep for the night. Not all Flood boys like sleep.
Thoughts on the Second First Week
Remarkably, we’re already nearing the one week mark with Luke and being the parents of two boys. So what have we learned? Or re-learned?
- Newborns definitely pee and poop frequently
- Luke definitely isn’t James
- James is far more interested in Luke than I had anticipated
- Luke can really eat and sleep
- Newborn smiles still feel like real smiles, even though they aren’t
- Baby fingers and toes are mesmerizing
- I can’t believe that women carry these little creatures inside their bodies
- It sure is helpful to have family around
- Wipe warmers seem to work. Who knew?
Good Morning
I know that it’s still early, so let’s not get carried away just yet. But we just had to wake Luke up for a feeding again. And he slept almost all day yesterday. And you can just put him down and he’ll fall asleep. We’ve heard that babies like this sometimes happened for other parents. Perhaps, just maybe it’ll turn out to be the case for us and Luke too.