Mark the date – today is the day that James got his first (two/four wheeled) bike. If his first ride is any indication, he’s going to have a happy life full of bike riding. Don’t tell James, but a few years from now, I expect that Luke will also be riding this sweet bike. Hope the color ages well!
Category: at home
Smell My Feet
Money Goes In
Coming to Get You
Swinging Hands
Sleeping Baby
It’s all relative, but it feels like I haven’t taken many photos of Luke. I think that at least one reason why is that the kid sleeps a lot. It’s cute to look at a sleeping baby, but borderline creepy to take photos of one.
That said, the arms up pose is one of his favorites.
p.s. James set a new record by getting fewer than 6 hours of total sleep for the night. Not all Flood boys like sleep.