at school

First day of school*

Today was an unusual first day of school for Luke. For the first time in about 3 months, Luke went back to school today. He’s in Cocoon A for his class at school, making him one of the first in the entire school to return after the lengthy coronavirus lockdown. He seemed excited to go and came back happier than we’ve seen him in months. James is feeling a little left out, but with the government in control of who goes back to school when, there’s nothing we can do to speed up his return.

at school

Long Day

This was how Luke looked when I arrived to pick him up from daycare. It was the last of his five naps for the day, all of which lasted less than 15 minutes.   

at school firsts

James Flood, Playground Thug

I guess it’s better to be the pusher than the pushee. This is apparently how James and his new best friend play.   

at school firsts

Daycare Baby

It’s hard to believe, but Luke has already begun at daycare. His first day was on Monday. So far, so good. He likes the daycare ladies and barely sleeps while he’s there, just like his big brother three and a half years ago. 


at school firsts

Accident Report #1

James came home from his new school yesterday with this:

FullSizeRender 7By the time I picked him up in the afternoon, the bandaid was gone, the scratch was nearly invisible, and James was back to 100%. It’s a miracle.


at school firsts

Summer Camp at Highland

James is spending the week at Highland Community School, his future kindergarten, taking part in a music focused summer camp. The early highlight? His new robot lunch box.


at school firsts out and about

Highland Preview

James and I spent a bit of time at his future school today, enjoying some ice cream and playground time on a hot and sweaty 88° day. We haven’t actually told James that he’s about to switch schools, but I think today gave him a good experience all in all. The only real negative is that the place is a bit old and the toilets are especially loud when they flush – when they auto-flushed while James was midstream … well, let’s just say his aim was a bit off. Next time he went hands free so he could cover both ears. That’s my boy.



at school

New Classroom

James graduated to the next classroom for 3s and 4s. Clearly, one of his favorite features of the new classroom is this old, odd computer. He runs straight to it each morning. 


at school

Green Grapes

The latest classroom poll asks, “What is your favorite fruit?”. James’s answer? Green grapes. I wouldn’t have guessed that. Time to go shopping, I guess.


at school

Red and Yellow Make Orange

Science and art, mixed together. Glad to see that we’re getting a little educational value for our daycare dollar.
