out and about

Boys Outing

It was a perfect evening tonight, so I took James and Luke out for a walk. James was a big help … and I noticed that Luke is getting shockingly cute. Nice walk. 


firsts out and about

Family Outing

We had a nice family outing to a nearby park for some free outdoor music and some food truck supper. Fun time. Sad that we’ve had this opportunity every summer Tuesday for 8 years, but this was the first time we’ve ever gone. Must be Luke’s influence.


at school firsts out and about

Highland Preview

James and I spent a bit of time at his future school today, enjoying some ice cream and playground time on a hot and sweaty 88° day. We haven’t actually told James that he’s about to switch schools, but I think today gave him a good experience all in all. The only real negative is that the place is a bit old and the toilets are especially loud when they flush – when they auto-flushed while James was midstream … well, let’s just say his aim was a bit off. Next time he went hands free so he could cover both ears. That’s my boy.



out and about

James Lives in Wisconsin


out and about


Making good on a commitment, Dad and I took James to the “baseball stadium” to see the Brewers play. We arrived late and left early … but got to see Bernie Brewer go down his slide, saw some fireworks and even racing sausages. Add in several snacks and some priceless three-generation Flood quality time, and you’ve got yourself a mighty fine Wednesday afternoon. Oh, and we sat in the shade, so there were no sunburns. 


out and about

Ice Cream

Pregnant? 3 years old? Long weekend? How many more reasons do you need for ice cream?


out and about

Bike Races

We’ve been lucky to have the Tour of America’s Dairyland bike series visit us again this year. James and I have watched two races so far. James sure gets excited to see the pros racing by at 30+ mph.




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Tito Steve

Hanging out with Tito Steve and Mikey at Michele’s birthday party.


out and about

Admirals Beat the Wolves 4-1

Yesterday, James and I attended our first Admirals game of the season, his first game as a 2-year old. He loved it. We had a lot of fun.


Based on the number of times James has mentioned these things, I’m guessing that these were the highlights:

  • Roscoe (the mascot)
  • Roscoe giving high 5s (we didn’t get one)
  • the blimp and the papers it was dropping (we didn’t get one)
  • the pirate ship
  • the Zambonies
  • the goalies
  • when the big guys fell down
  • when #2 broke his stick
  • the business card that the ticketing manager gave us
  • the water fountains

I knew that James was really into the game when I offered him some snacks and he said no. I think his exact words were, “I don’t want snacks, Daddy. I’m watching hockey.” Looking forward to the next game.

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at home out and about

A Great Weekend

We had a great weekend together. How could we not? Perfect weather … a birthday party with balloons and cake, a morning of apple picking and pony rides, an evening of laundry hijinks and then wrap it all up with a few minutes on a swing and a bowl of ice cream. Perfection.



